Locked Out
Locked Out
Transitions pt. 1 - Housing for care leavers with Katharine Sacks-Jones, Henrietta Imoreh and Iqra Saeed
Transitions, such as those between services, localities and life stages, can cause significant disruption in some people’s lives, and can increase their risk of housing insecurity and homelessness. This episode is the first of two parts focussing on the housing challenges that arise for people experiencing periods of transition.
In part one, we’re talking about housing for young people leaving care. Too many care experienced people continue to find their most basic needs unmet by both the housing and care systems as they make the difficult transition to independence.
Connie and Megan spoke to Katharine Sacks-Jones, CEO of Become, the charity for children in care and young care leavers as well as Henrietta Imoreh, a career consultant for people with experience of the care system, and a lifetime campaigner on tackling the over-representation of looked after children in the criminal justice system. Later on they also spoke to Iqra Saeed, who sits on East Midlands fostering panel The Adolescent and Children’s Trust or TACT, and is an advisor on their new alumni scheme for care experienced individuals.
Please be aware that this episode includes description of suicide and self-harm, as well as discussion of trauma, addiction and poor mental health. If you have been affected by these issues, please take care when listening to this episode. Details of support are available below:
If you need to talk right now:
- call Samaritans on 116 123 (UK-wide)
- text SHOUT to 85258 (UK-wide)
Become's advice line for children in care and young care leavers: Freephone 0800 023 2033 or email advice@becomecharity.org.uk.
Talk to Frank: https://www.talktofrank.com/ tel:03001236600
Contact Childline: 08001111 https://www.childline.org.uk/
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Read the Locked Out anthology, available for free download at commonwealhousing.org.uk/lockedout
Follow Commonweal: @CommonwealTweet https://www.linkedin.com/company/commonweal-housing-limited
Become: https://www.becomecharity.org.uk/ Twitter: @Become1992
TACT: https://www.tactcare.org.uk/
EY Foundation employability programme for young people in care: https://www.ey.com/en_uk/corporate-responsibility/ey-foundation/our-programmes
Lighthouse children’s home: https://lighthousechildrenshomes.org.uk/
Urban Retreat: http://urbanretreat.space/
Norman Galloway lettings: https://www.normangalloway.co.uk/tenants
Drive Forward: https://driveforwardfoundation.org/
Catch 22: https://www.catch-22.org.uk/
Working Chance: https://workingchance.org/
The Topé project: https://twitter.com/thetopeproject